

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Brazil military begins operations to fight Amazon rainforest fires

CBS News

Backed by military aircraft, Brazilian troops on Saturday prepared to deploy in the Amazon rainforest to fight fires that have swept the region and prompted anti-government protests as well as an international outcry.


表示“(风、浪、火等迅猛地)扫过,掠过(某地)”,英文解释为“if winds, waves, fire etc sweep a place or sweep through, across etc a place, they move quickly and with a lot of force”举个🌰:

Thunderstorms swept the country.



表示“呐喊;大声疾呼;强烈抗议”,英文解释为“a strong expression of anger and disapproval about something, made by a group of people or by the public”举个🌰:

The killing caused an international outcry.


Some 44,000 troops will be available for "unprecedented" operations to put out the fires, and forces are heading to six Brazilian states that asked for federal help to contain the blazes, Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo said. The states are Roraima, Rondonia, Tocantins, Para, Acre and Mato Grosso.


表示“空前的,前所未有的”,英文解释为“never having happened before, or never having happened so much”举个🌰:

He took the unprecedented step of stating that the rumours were false.



表示“控制;阻止”,英文解释为“If you contain something, you control it and prevent it from spreading or increasing.”举个🌰:

More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant.


The military's first mission will be the deployment of 700 troops to the area around Porto Velho, capital of Rondonia, Azevedo said. He added that the military will use two C-130 Hercules aircraft capable of dumping up to 3,170 gallons of water on fires.


表示“扔下;倾倒”,英文解释为“If you dump something somewhere, you put it or unload it there quickly and carelessly.”举个🌰:

We dumped our bags at the nearby hotel and hurried toward the market.


An Associated Press journalist flying over the Porto Velho region Saturday morning reported hazy conditions and low visibility. On Friday, the reporter saw many already deforested areas that were burned, apparently by people clearing farmland, as well as a large column of smoke billowing from one fire.


表示“雾蒙蒙的;朦胧的”,英文解释为“air that is hazy is not clear because there is a lot of smoke, dust, or mist in it”,如:hazy sunshine 曚昽的阳光。


表示“(云或烟)团团升起,滚滚升起”,英文解释为“if a cloud or smoke billows, it rises in a round mass”举个🌰:

There was smoke billowing out of the windows.


The Brazilian military operations came after widespread criticism of President Jair Bolsonaro's handling of the crisis. The president Friday authorized the armed forces to get involved in putting out the fires, saying he is committed to protecting the Amazon region.

"It shows the concern of Bolsonaro's government about this issue," Azevedo said. "It was a very fast response."

The defense minister noted U.S. President Trump's offer in a tweet to help Brazil fight the fires, and said there had been no further contact on the matter. Bolsonaro has previously described rainforest protections as an obstacle to Brazil's economic development, sparring with critics who say the Amazon absorbs vast amounts of greenhouse gasses and is crucial for efforts to contain climate change.


表示“争论,争吵”,英文解释为“to argue”举个🌰:

Tom and Kangkang always spar with each other at meetings, but really they're good friends.


The Amazon fires have become a global issue, escalating tensions between Brazil and European countries who believe Bolsonaro has neglected commitments to protect biodiversity. Protesters gathered outside Brazilian diplomatic missions in European and Latin American cities Friday, and demonstrators also marched in Brazil.

Conservationist Paul Rosolie told "CBS This Morning" that military action isn't enough and said the Amazon is at risk of "collapsing."

"The Amazon is a loop. It's producing the moisture that creates all that rain that makes it a rainforest," said Rosolie, who wrote about his experiences in the jungle in his 2014 book, "Mother of God."

"As we chop more of the rainforest down – and this has been going on for decades, this is not an isolated issue — as we chop more of the rainforest, what we're risking is reaching a tipping point, where that moisture system might be too dry to produce the rain. And then you have a serious problem on your hands, because you're talking about the entire Amazon sort of collapsing."

chop down

表示“砍倒”,英文解释为“If you chop down a tree, you cut through its trunk with an axe so that it falls to the ground.”举个🌰:

Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood.


tipping point

表示“临界点,引爆点,爆发点”,英文解释为“the time at which a change or an effect cannot be stopped”举个🌰:

The earth has already passed the tipping point in terms of global warming.


The dispute spilled into the economic arena when French President Emmanuel Macron threatened to block a European Union trade deal with Brazil and several other South American countries. He wants G-7 leaders meeting at a summit in France this weekend to discuss the Amazon crisis.

"First, we need to help Brazil and other countries put out these fires," Macron said Saturday.

The goal is to "preserve this forest that we all need because it is a treasure of our biodiversity and our climate thanks to the oxygen that it emits and thanks to the carbon it absorbs," he said.

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